Commercial Lighting Instant Discounts

Commercial Lighting Instant Discounts


We offer instant lighting discounts at point of purchase retail locations and express lighting rebates via submission after purchase:

View our most up to date rebates here: Explore Solutions - Commerical Lighting | EnergizeCT

It is easy for businesses to reduce energy costs by installing high-efficiency lighting. Now with instant discounts, contractors and business customers may purchase eligible linear fluorescent and LED replacement lamps at a reduced cost without a rebate form at Connecticut distributors.

Whether you are looking to replace your interior or exterior commercial lighting, there is an energy-saving solution regardless of the application. And the instant discounts available at participating distributors help to offset the premium price of lighting, making energy-saving lighting fixtures and bulbs a cost-effective choice.

Finding the right energy-efficient lighting solution is easy. We work with ENERGY STAR® and the DesignLights Consortium® to promote the most energy-efficient lighting technologies available and make them affordable with instant discounts.

Use up to 75% Less Energy

ENERGY STAR certified commercial light fixtures use up to 75 percent less energy and last 10-50 times longer than incandescent lighting. Plus, qualified fixtures produce low heat, which reduces heating loads.

Make a smart energy choice and upgrade your lighting now.

Getting an Instant Discount is Easy

Review the list of eligible lighting products. Then visit to find a participating distributor near you.

When purchasing eligible replacement lamps from a participating distributor, they will request the business name, address and contact information for the business that the lamps will be installed. The incentives for eligible products will:

  • automatically be applied to your purchase; and,
  • your invoice should include a line item reflecting the Energize Connecticut discount received.

Express Service Lighting Rebates

Mail-in (express) rebates are available for Eversource and UI customers on eligible products not discounted at the retail point of purchase. Work with your lighting supplier to find eligible energy-efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs that work best for you.  Then submit your mail-in rebate application. Other terms and conditions may apply.

  • Customers are only eligible for rebates through one pathway with Energize Connecticut.
  • Lighting must be installed in the service territory of the participating utility.
  • When Express Service Lighting Rebates exceed $7,500, an authorized utility representative must inspect the project site before and after lighting is installed. 

Who is Eligible for Instant Lighting and Express Rebates

Instant discounts are available to commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural and multi-family property (common areas) customers of UI for existing facilities. Lighting must be installed in the service territory of the participating utility.

NOTE: New construction and major renovation may require pre-approval. Customers participating in the Small Business Energy Advantage program are NOT eligible for Instant Lighting Rebates, but other incentives are available. Contact your UI account representative for details.

*Rebates must meet the Minimum Customer Contribution (MCC) listed on the incentive table. Sales exceeding the pre-approval limit must be submitted for pre-approval before making the sale. Apply for pre-approval by emailing

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