Direct Billing vs Consolidated Billing

Direct Billing vs. Consolidated Billing


Docket No. 10-06-24, DPUC REVIEW OF THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE COMPETITIVE SUPPLIER AND AGGREGATOR MARKET IN CONNECTICUT AND MARKETING PRACTICES AND CONDUCT OF PARTICIPANTS IN THAT MARKET, dated March 16, 2011, stated in the Conclusion, "The Department allows Suppliers, at their discretion, to direct bill any of their customers, but prohibits the EDCs from requiring Suppliers to offer direct billing."

The information below is presented for historical progression of the direct bill issue.  It is superceded by the Decision quoted above. 

Suppliers frequently request information regarding the option of Direct Billing versus Consolidated Billing. These services are governed by Connecticut statute and regulations. Please see Connecticut Statues CHAPTER 283* DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITY CONTROL: TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE, ILLUMINATING, POWER AND WATER COMPANIES, Sec. 16-244i. Duties of electric distribution companies, for specific discussion of this subject.

The Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control in several Final Decisions has ruled that Direct Billing may be offered for all C&I customers with monthly demands of 50kW or greater.

The Final Decisions in which this subject was recently included are shown below.

Docket No. 03-07-01RE06 - Application of The Connecticut Light and Power Company To Amend Its Rate Schedules - 2007 and Docket No. 03-07-02RE09 - Application of The Connecticut Light and Power Company To Establish The Transitional Standard Offer - FMCC Allocator (dated 12/08/2006). 

Docket No. 05-06-04RE02 - Application of The United Illuminating Company To Increase Its Rates and Charges - 2007 Rates and Terms and Conditions, and Docket No. 03-07-15RE03 - Establishment of The United Illuminating Company's Transitional Standard Offer - FMCC Allocator and Docket No 06-11-05 - DPUC Review of The United Illuminating Company’s Periodic Energy and Adjustment Charge (dated 12/19/2006) .

Suppliers should perform their own review of the Statues and the Regulations. This information is provided only as general information. Please note that UI does not restrict access to the Direct Billing option in the enrollment process and the Supplier is responsible for the correct application of the billing service.

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