Project Status

May 2024

Main Activities During Reporting Period

Waste characterization and coordination of disposal of IDW, PPE, and empty drums

Continued preparation and review of the following Project-related documents/reports for submittal to CTDEEP:

  1. Revised English Station First Floor and Interstitial Fill Investigation Summary Report. Revisions based on Supplemental Investigations completed in December 2021 thru February 2022 and the Boiler 13 IRM Concrete Investigations completed in February 2023.
  2. Revised English Station Boiler 1-12 Environmental Media Investigation Summary Report.
  3. Revised English Station Western Side Environmental Media Investigation Summary Report.
  4. English Station – Boiler #13 Interim Remedial Measures PCB Remedial Action Report.

Perform required inspections of:

  1. Erosion and sediment controls (re)approved under CT DEEP permit number GSN003422 on a monthly frequency.
  2. Eight Significant Environmental Hazard (SEH) areas on a bi-weekly frequency.

Declaratory Ruling issued by CT DEEP Commissioner.

Future Activities

Removal of IDW, PPE, and empty drums for off-site disposal.

Submit to CTDEEP:

  1. Revised English Station First Floor and Interstitial Fill Investigation Summary Report. Revisions based on Supplemental Investigations completed in December 2021 thru February 2022 and the Boiler 13 IRM Concrete Investigations completed in February 2023. 
  2. Revised English Station Boiler 1-12 Environmental Media Investigation Summary Report.
  3. Revised English Station Western Side Environmental Media Investigation Summary Report.
  4.  English Station – Boiler #13 Interim Remedial Measures PCB Remedial Action Report.
  5. Revised Plans and Specifications for Phase 1 Soil Remediation.

Site Security

Barricades on two doorways were reinforced on the west side of the Plant (Machine Shop)

The following actions were completed in response to two trespassing incidents over the Memorial Day weekend, which NHPD responded to:

  1. Damage to chain-link fence at the East Gate was repaired and reinforced.
  2. Enhanced security measures to include additional concertina wire and barbed wire to the west wing wall (over the water).

Continue to maintain the security measures put in place by, and acquired from, the current property owners and as upgraded by UI.

Monthly Reports

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