UI, SCG Serve More than 1,500 Customers at Major Community Event

During Milford Oyster Festival, companies promoted hardship assistance programs, energy efficiency, and community awareness through partnership with Café Atlantique

Video of Avangrid/UI/SCG’s presence at the Milford Oyster Festival linked HERE

MILFORD, Conn. — September 3, 2024 — Following their participation in the Milford Oyster Festival on August 17, United Illuminating (UI) and Southern Connecticut Gas (SCG), subsidiaries of Avangrid (NYSE: AGR), today announced that the companies served more than 1,500 customers with information on hardship assistance programs, energy efficiency, and community awareness related to Avangrid’s commitment to the customers served in Milford and the larger south-central Connecticut region.

“Personal, one-on-one interactions out in the communities we serve is one of the best ways we can reach our customers with the information they need to manage their usage and receive any bill assistance they may qualify for,” said Frank Reynolds, President and CEO of UI and SCG. “I am delighted to see these fantastic results for the number of customers we served at the Milford Oyster Festival, which takes place every August in the heart of our service area. It is clear we are more committed than ever to providing our customers with the tools and resources they need to manage their energy costs, and I am confident that our outreach will pay dividends as we ramp up our assistance measures ahead of the cooler months.”

Avangrid, UI, and SCG participated in the Milford Oyster Festival in three distinct forms. First, the companies’ Community & Government Relations team, together with the Conservation & Load Management team and Customer Service Representatives, sponsored a Community Resource Booth. Throughout the day, 12 company staff provided information and handouts to interested members of the community related to energy efficiency programs, such as Home Energy Solutions, and hardship assistance programs, such as Budget Billing and the Matching Payment Program. When customers approached the Community Resource Booth, representatives provided them with options for bill assistance and energy efficiency incentives they qualified for.

Together with their partners in EnergizeCT, members of the UI and SCG team also requested that the EnergizeCT Energy in Action Mobile Exhibit be set up at the Milford Oyster Festival. The mobile exhibit is an interactive learning experience aimed primarily at school-aged children that teaches participants how they can make decisions daily that make a significant impact in energy savings over the long term. Current exhibits include The Energy Grid, in which participants can watch the path of electricity traveling from generation stations to homes and businesses; the Water Wall, in which participants stack pegs to visualize their daily water consumption; and Wind Power Podium, in which participants can watch how a small wind mill illuminates an LED bulb, among other exhibits. More than 350 attendees of the Milford Oyster Festival visited the mobile exhibit.

Avangrid, UI, and SCG also hosted Oyster Festival attendees for coffee, tea, baked goods, and more at a “takeover” of Café Atlantique (33 River Street, Milford CT) to share how safe, reliable energy is critical to our daily lives and energize attendees through the festival. The company provided free beverages, including coffee, tea, lattes, and more, for attendees of the festival. More than 1,000 customers visited Café Atlantique during Avangrid’s takeover, making it one of the busiest days the Café has had since its current ownership began in 2020.

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