Interconnection Process

Interconnection Process

Once the interconnection application has been received, UI has internal operational procedures that it follows in accordance with the Connecticut State Guidelines to energize all distributed generating facilities based on the size of an interconnection.

Residential Projects

Basic Interconnection Process

Residential Single Phase Certified inverter Based Generating Facilities of  20 kW (AC) or Less

Applications are submitted from the vendor on behalf of the customer to interconnect 20 kW and Less generating facility into UI’s Distribution System.

    Administrative review for a submitted application package to insure applicability of the following components: Tariff/Incentive Rate administrative review, Application Fee, One Line, Site Schematic, Device Tear Sheet
    UI will review the application components to ensure that the Generating Facility can be interconnected safely and reliably.

    If the Generating Facility can be interconnected safely and reliably, UI will provide meter provision analysis and authorize “Contingent Approval” to interconnect. Installation of the facility may begin upon receipt of the Contingent Approval.

    A Final building inspection release needs to be obtained by the Municipal Electric Inspector to approve installation.

    UI will schedule and commence commissioning of the generating facility. Upon passing of the witness test, an approval to energize will be issued to both vendor and customer. Meter Service Technicians are then assigned to install meters and update billing to reflect generation.

Certified inverter Based Generating Facilities, 10kW and Less

Applications are submitted from the vendor on behalf of the customer to interconnect 10 kW and Less generating facility into UI’s Distribution System.

    Administrative review for a submitted application package to insure applicability of the following components: Tariff/Incentive Rate administrative review, Application Fee, Insurance, One Line, Site Schematic, Device Tear Sheet
    UI will review the application components to ensure that the Generating Facility can be interconnected safely and reliably.

    If the Generating Facility can be interconnected safely and reliably, UI will provide meter provision analysis and authorize “Contingent Approval” to interconnect. Installation of the facility may begin upon receipt of the Contingent Approval.

    A Final building inspection release needs to be obtained by the Municipal Electric Inspector to approve installation.

    UI will schedule and commence commissioning of the generating facility. Upon passing of the witness test, an approval to energize will be issued to both vendor and customer. Meter Service Technicians are then assigned to install meters and update billing to reflect generation.

Non-Residential Projects

Advanced Interconnection Process

Fast Track & Study Process Generating Facilities
Applications are submitted from the vendor on behalf of the customer to interconnect generating facilities above 20 kW into UI’s Distribution System..

    Administrative review for submitted application package to ensure applicability of the following components: Application Fee, Insurance, One Line, Site Schematic, Device Tear Sheet, Evidence of Site Control (if required)
    Preliminary technical review – based on size, load, equipment and harmonics the application will either be considered fast track or move into the study process for approval.

    If application passes preliminary screen, the application can move forward into the fast track review process.

    If the application does not meet the fast track requirements, a supplemental review where minor revisions and design changes may need meet UI approval.

    If the application neither meets fast track requirements or supplemental review, the application is considered for the study process where the project is studied for Feasibility, Facility and Distribution System Impact.

    Note: Applications with generation greater than 2 MW will need to file an additional application with the New England ISO.
    UI will conduct an intense review of the application components to ensure that the generating facility can be interconnected safely and reliably.

    Once the generating facility is approved to be interconnected safely and reliably, UI will authorize “Contingent Approval” to interconnect.

    Installation of the facility may begin upon receipt of the Contingent Approval and the signed interconnection agreement is obtained.

    A final building inspection release needs to be obtained by the Municipal Electric Inspector to approve installation.
    UI will schedule and commence commissioning of generating facility. Upon passing of the witness test, an approval to energize will be released to both vendor and customer. Meter Service Technicians are assigned to install meters and billing update to reflect generation.


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