Load Settlement and Load Profiling

Load Settlement and Load Profiling

Updated 1/1/2018

UI is a Participant in the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) which is a voluntary association of electric utilities and other companies that participate in the competitive wholesale electricity marketplace in New England. NEPOOL established a single regional network in 1971 to direct the operations of the major generating and transmission (bulk power system) facilities in the region. ISO New England Inc. (ISO-NE) was established as a not-for-profit, private corporation in 1997 following its approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). ISO-NE has a services contract with NEPOOL with the responsibility for the management of the NEPOOL bulk power generation and transmission systems and administration of the region's open access transmission tariff. One of ISO-NE's functions is to operate an hourly energy market settlement process.

UI as a Participant in NEPOOL and as the Assigned Meter Reader for Load in its service territory (ISO-NE Node #12) must provide meter readings (whether actual or estimated through profiling) to ISO-NE by 1300 on the second business day after the Scheduled Dispatch Period to facilitate the ISO-NE settlement process. For more information and to review specific market rules and procedures, please use the links to NEPOOLISO-NE and FERC.

UI utilizes industry recognized settlement software to develop the estimated Load Asset meter readings for reporting to ISO-NE. The process of developing the estimated meter readings and reconciling them to actual metering readings is called Load Settlement.

The UI Load Settlement process utilizes the following data to develop the hourly load information reported to ISO-NE: the day being settled system load ('nodal load'), current customer usage data and historical Load Profile Segment shapes. UI's Customer Information System (CIS) is the source for usage data on individual customers. CIS usage data is updated following each customer meter reading cycle. Through industry standard statistical load research and profiling methods, UI has developed load shapes by rate segment for each historical system load day used in Load Settlement. The software used in the daily load settlement process utilizes average hourly load shapes. These load shapes are also referred to as average Load Profile Segment shapes. UI currently uses 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, and 2024 system load and average segment shape data in its settlement process.

These profiles can be found at the Load Profile page.

The Hourly Load Shape method uses average hourly load shapes by rate segment, derived from averaged historical hourly load provided by the load Research department. Season and Day models distinguish the load by weekend, weekday, summer/fall/winter/spring as appropriate. The hourly Load Shape technique employs a defined season and day type structure to produce a series of typical season/day type profiles from historical averaged interval data. The load shape library for each season and day-type consists of a set of hourly load shapes. Each individual hourly load shape is applicable for a given season and day-type.

For information on the calculation of capacity values for the daily Peak Contribution reporting to ISO-Ne for the Forward Capacity Market please see the Capacity Requests page.

If you have questions about UI's process of Load Settlement please email: supplier.relations@uinet.com

Disclaimer: All numeric data and profiles are subject to change.

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