Commercial and Industrial Solutions

Commercial and Industrial Solutions

Make energy efficiency a determining factor in your decision to upgrade equipment. The decision to replace functioning equipment is based on many factors: productivity benefits, reduced operating costs, ease-of-use, compatibility with other systems – even aesthetics and comfort can be reasons to upgrade. However, in today’s competitive environment, energy efficiency may be on the top of your list. In the past, businesses and municipalities had to make difficult decisions – letting the budget dictate the level of technology used.

Now, with support from Energize Connecticut, you have the financial assistance that will enable you to determine your energy future. We provide programs like Energy Opportunities, Operations & Maintenance, Retro Commissioning, PRIME and Sustainability to address all your business needs. You can make decisions based on efficient technology that will improve your facility’s overall performance while helping to develop long-term, sustainable energy management strategies.


Energy Opportunities

Make energy-efficiency a determining factor in your decision to upgrade equipment. This program offers financial assistance that will enable you to determine your energy future and make decisions based on advanced technology and what will benefit your organization long term.


Operation & Maintenance

Improve the electrical and thermal efficiency of your operations by changes and repairs, rather than through capital investments. Financial incentives will help get your project completed the right way. The energy-saving benefits will continue on, month after month.


Retro Commissioning

A pre-qualified retro-commissioning engineering firm evaluates how your mechanical equipment, lighting and related controls operate and function together. Suggested improvements are supported with sustainable energy management strategies.



Process Reengineering for Increased Manufacturing Efficiency
Make your manufacturing operations more productive with “lean manufacturing” training. You’ll learn techniques to streamline product flow, eliminate or reduce waste, improve production efficiency, minimize environmental impact and reduce energy consumption.



Tackle common business issues like utility costs, waste, and employee engagement in the context of sustainability and energy efficiency. Become competitive and resilient by following recommended action steps that are accessible, achievable, and profitable.

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