Residential Energy Efficiency Programs

Berkshire Gas offers innovative solutions through Mass Save to make our natural gas heating customers' homes more energy efficient.

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the State of Massachusetts, we are temporarily suspending energy efficiency program activities that require an in-person visit to your home or business. This temporary pause in on-premise program activity is effective through April 6. For questions regarding this program suspension, please call 800.944.3212. As updates occur, they will be posted here and on our COVID-19 and Our Response  page. You can also visit Mass Save for additional information.

Thank you for your interest in our programs. We look forward to resuming programs as soon as safely possible.

If you heat your home with natural gas, we'll help pay for the installation of approved energy-saving measures that will increase your home's efficiency and save you money. Get started today by calling 800.944.3212 to schedule a no cost Home Energy Assessment.

Discount Pricing and No-Cost Installation of Wireless Thermostats

Residential heating customers can take advantage of discounted prices of $50 on wireless thermostats. We’ll even install them at no cost to you. These easy-to-use, energy-saving thermostats adapt to your schedule and let you control your home’s temperature from anywhere. Call 800.944.3212 today to schedule your appointment. Download the Thermostat Rebate Application for additional details.

No-Cost Energy Improvement Upgrades

You may be eligible to receive the following energy improvement upgrades at no cost:


  • Efficient Lighting
  • Programmable Thermostats
  • Low Flow Showerheads
  • Advanced Powerstrips
  • Faucet Aerators
  • Targeted Air Sealing


Insulation Upgrades

Berkshire Gas will contribute 75% up to $2,000* toward the following eligible insulation upgrades:

  • Attic and Kneewall Insulation
  • Wall Insulation
  • Basement Wall or Ceiling Insulation
  • Pipe Insulation
  • Crawlspace Insulation

* Insulation upgrades must be identified and recommended during your Home Energy Assessment. Berkshire Gas' contribution is automatically deducted from the total installation cost of your contract.

Renters and Landlords

If you are a renter or landlord, you also may qualify to receive all of the above upgrades, as well as even greater incentives to replace old and inefficient refrigerators, clothes washers and boilers. In addition, two-to-four family homes may be eligible for an incentive of 90% of the cost of insulation for the entire property, up to $3,000 per unit. Learn more by calling 800.944.3212.

Multifamily Properties

Are you the owner or resident of a five-or-more unit building? We have opportunities for you too – either for a single unit, or a large project that will benefit the entire complex. Call 800.944.3212 today for details!

Income Eligible Programs

Berkshire Gas heating customers who qualify for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), also known as Fuel Assistance, may be eligible to receive all of the above home efficiency improvements, including heating system repairs or replacement at no cost. Call 866.537.7267 for details.

Building a New Home or Planning Major Renovations?

Through the Massachusetts Residential New Construction Program, Berkshire Gas offers incentives toward the construction of energy efficient homes that exceed the state’s energy code. To learn more, call 800.944.3212 .

Online Home Audit Tool

Create your home energy profile in less than five minutes and get personalized energy saving recommendations, an estimate of potential savings, and cost-effective upgrade advice. Your customized results will also provide you with available incentives that will help you save energy and money. Visit to get started.

High-Efficiency Heating and Water Heating Equipment Rebates

These rebates are designed to promote the installation of high-efficiency natural gas heating and water heating equipment. For a current list of eligible equipment and corresponding rebates visit our High-Efficiency Natural Gas Heating page and our High-Efficiency Natural Gas Water Heating page.


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